Saturday 15 November 2008

Aoharu Boutique

Aoharu Boutique
by Kayleigh Hendrassen

Aoharu's Sim is a big place so if you're going to check it out make sure you have some time to devote to it. Upon arrival there are two boutiques on either side, both offering fashions for men and women. Aoharu appears to specialize in outerwear, and the product seems endless. Their jackets are adorable and chic, like the Short Trench coats($320L per colour & style) or the adorable animal print Furs($280L per pattern), and with a styling pair of stockings(which Aoharu's also offers at $150-180L per pack), can practically be worn as outfits on their own. The coats for men are equally as trendy like the super slick Snake Trench($380L per colour), or if you're looking for that trendy new suit their all white Frock Coat set($700L) will definitely turn some heads... but don't worry, it also comes in the more common, yet equally as slick, black and grey colours. Also offering shirts, pants, skins, hair, etc etc, Aoharo's Sim is just too vast to cover everything, but the sleek designs and trendy fashions will keep you looking for hours.

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